Digital Economy and the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

  • Oybek Narkulovich Alimov Teacher, National University of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Digital Economy; Business Intelligence; Business Intelligence Technology; BCS Scorecard; Big Data; Digitalization; Dynamic Economic Systems


In the light of our awareness of the immersion in the era of breakthrough technologies of revolution 4.0, this article reflects current issues of recent times and the evolutionary trends of the global economy: the need for digitalization of business processes, the introduction of artificial intelligence in the country’s economy, the use of Business Intelligence technologies to improve the efficiency of enterprises, increase productivity of labour and more equitable redistribution of benefits between all participants of the processes of transformation of sovereign states into strongholds of global corporatocracy.


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How to Cite
Alimov, O. N. (2022). Digital Economy and the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(7), 135-141.