The Emergence and Evolution of Palestinian Nationalism

  • Anis Salem Zaki Centre for Policy Research and International Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Keywords: Religious, Nationalism, Palestinian Nationalism


The study analyses \on the questions of the interrelation between religion and nationality relate to the interpretations of justice vis-a-vis the Palestinian predicament. The paper studies the 'visions of peace' and the 'visions of citizenship' articulated by groups as diverse as Peace for Human Rights. By drawing on recent scholarship which attempted to link 'peace' and 'justice' in a meaningful way, this work devises a set of dynamic criteria with which to evaluate each peace platform and its respective interpretation of justice. Challenging the modernist-secularist inclination to interpret 'nationalism' as a 'religion surrogate' or a structural analogue of religion, the underpinning theoretical point is that religion and nationalism are intricately related and thus cannot be viewed as dichotomous or antithetical. Hence, religious sources, vocabularies, institutions and leadership may function centrally in devising interpretations of culturally embedded secularity in zones of ethnonational contestations -a process which is referred to in this dissertation as the hermeneutics of citizenship. As a conclusion, a separate Palestinian nationalism took place chiefly to cater to the Zionism issue.


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How to Cite
Zaki, A. (2020). The Emergence and Evolution of Palestinian Nationalism. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 3(2), 22-29.