Interpretation of Events as a Legal Fact

  • Bakhramjon Topildiev Doctor of Law, Professor, Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Facts; Legal Facts; Legal Rules; Legal Consequence; Classification; “Will”; Civil Law; Events


In this article, the author discusses legal events and their content in civil law, which are one of the types of classification of legal facts according to the will of the parties, and their content in civil law. According to the author, events are always characterized by the fact that they occur against a person’s will and are a legal fact only when they have a legal consequence, and in this regard, a particular event can be assessed as a legal fact.


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How to Cite
Topildiev, B. (2022). Interpretation of Events as a Legal Fact. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(5), 55-59.