Structure of Diplomatic Terms of Uzbek Language

  • Sanjar Djambulovich Mavlyanov Doctoral Student,Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent
Keywords: Diplomatic Term; Structure; Simple Diplomatic Terms; Hybrid Diplomatic Terms; Paired Diplomatic Terms; Complex Diplomatic Terms; Abbreviated Diplomatic Terms


The article analyzes the structure of diplomatic terms in the Uzbek language. The article highlights the topics of classification of diplomatic terms depending on their structure, and also describes the features of the semantics of some terms. The materials of this article can be used by linguists, people involved in the field of diplomacy and researchers.


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How to Cite
Mavlyanov, S. D. (2022). Structure of Diplomatic Terms of Uzbek Language. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(5), 295-299.