Theological and Ethical Reflections on Surrogacy from an African Perspective

  • Isaac Boaheng Lecturer in Theology and Christian Ethics, Christian Service University College, Kumasi, Ghana


The desire to procreate is common among couples. However, for some reasons, some couples are unable to have their own children through the traditional natural means of conception and delivery. Some of these couple give up and remain childless; others adopt children and raise them as their own and yet, some others continue to explore modern Assisted Reproductive Techniques to have “children of their own.” Surrogacy is one of such means. Though a highly patronized reproductive technique, the ethical, socio-cultural or theological/religious implications of surrogacy have been hotly debated among (Christian and non-Christian) ethicists and theologians. In Africa, where assisted reproductive technology is relatively new, the scholarly debate surrounding surrogacy is also relatively new. This literature research contributes to the ongoing debate by offering a theological and ethical reflection on surrogacy from an African Christian perspective. This paper found all surrogacy practices as immorally wrong except those that use the gametes of spouses and do not involve the deliberate killing of foetus in the procreation process.


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