Metaforalization of Lexemas Specifically in the Doston "Rustamkhon"

  • Guljahon Jumanazarova Doctor of Philological Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Khanifa Hamdamova Researcher, Jizzakh Polytechnical Institute, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Baxshi; Dastan; Epic Skill; Epic Individuality; Quality; Metaphor; Text; Lexeme; Language; Style


The article explores the methodological possibilities of lexemes in the text of the epic "Rustamkhan". The general similarities in the text of qualitative linguistic metaphors, as well as the epic skill and individuality of the bakhshi in this regard, are analyzed in the linguistic means that determine their specific style.  

How to Cite
Jumanazarova, G., & Hamdamova, K. (2022). Metaforalization of Lexemas Specifically in the Doston "Rustamkhon". International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(5), 136-140.