Conceptual Approaches to Research Digitization

  • Aziz Faridovich Safiullin Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Digitalization; Digital Economy; Digital Transformation; Sustainable Development; Competition; Business Processes; Micro Level; Macro Level; Information


The purpose of this study is to investigate the methodology, approaches, and assessment of the impact of digitalization on the sustainable development of the company. The modern economy is based on the constant development: advanced, modernized and invented new management models, products and systems. Such development in recent years is directly related to the concept of “digitalization”.


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How to Cite
Faridovich Safiullin, A. (2022). Conceptual Approaches to Research Digitization. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(4), 170-175.