Exploring the Nature of School Violence in the Selected Public High Schools: Case Study of Jozini Settlement, Kwazulu-Natal Province, South Africa
The widespread nature of school violence among public high schools negatively affects educational systems, resulting to school possible dropouts and poor academic results. Despite the Department of Basic Education (DBE) strategies and recommendations in managing this scourge, a gap exists concerning management of school violence in public schools of South Africa, Jozini settlement of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province in particular. From a qualitative standpoint, coupled with case study research design, this study used purposive sample to select 25 participants as follows: Fifteen (15) Educators, three (3) Principals, three (3) Heads of Departments (HoD’s) and four (4) Social workers. Data were collected through the application of semi-structured Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and analysed using Inductive Thematic Content Analysis (TCA). The findings of this study indicate that most students experience violence in school. It is found that the common nature of school violence is verbal abuse and bulling. It is recommended that every school must have intervention team which consist of at least the local South African Police Service (SAPS) officials, KZN DBE personnel from district level, School Governing Body (SGB) members, academics and educators to deal with the outrange nature of school violence in selected public high schools of Jozini settlement. Equally, the intervention team must have at least one mandatory meeting a month to look at the matters of school violence.
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