Some Problems of Phraseology of Turkic Languages (On the Example of Eye Phraseosomatism)

  • Baurjan Nurumbetogli Sayfullaev Lecturer, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Lexics; Phraseology; Phraseosomatism; Grammar; Synchronously; Diaxron; Phrases; Homonym; Synonym; Antonym; Component; Semantics; Image


This article provides information on the history of Turkic phraseology and research on the topic. Somatic expressions, which are a large part of the phraseological sources common to Turkic languages, as well as the semantic structure created by the "eye" component of phraseology in Turkic languages and their interlinguistic relations.


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How to Cite
Sayfullaev, B. N. (2022). Some Problems of Phraseology of Turkic Languages (On the Example of Eye Phraseosomatism). International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(4), 87-91.