Some Manifestations of Polytheism in Common Traditions in Afghan Society

  • Mohammad Shoaib Faruqi Department of Islamic Science and Culture, Faculty of Education, Kunduz University, Afghanistan
  • Obaidulrahman Obaidulrahman Department of Islamic Science and Culture, Faculty of Education, Kunduz University, Afghanistan
  • Muhammad Muhsin Ayubi Department of Islamic Science and Culture, Faculty of Education, Kunduz University, Afghanistan
Keywords: Afghan, Society; Manifestations; Polytheism; Customs; Prevalent


Polytheism manifests in prevalent customs and traditions in forms that can affect sincere faith. These manifestations polytheism include superstitions, reliance on non-divine supernatural forces, and rituals that imply dependence on entities other than God. Such behaviors may lead to deviation from monotheism and negatively impact society. A scientific analysis of these phenomena is essential to identify weaknesses and propose effective solutions to strengthen monotheistic beliefs. A thorough examination of these issues can contribute to raising awareness and correcting false beliefs.

How to Cite
Shoaib Faruqi, M., Obaidulrahman, O., & Muhsin Ayubi, M. (2025). Some Manifestations of Polytheism in Common Traditions in Afghan Society. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 8(2), 96-104.