Motivations, Benefits, and Challenges of Students Volunteering in Civil Society Organizations: A Scoping Review
Civil society organizations (CSOs) play a vital role in society, enhancing democratic values and advocating for human rights. Volunteering in CSOs affects tertiary students. This review highlights how volunteering maps evidences of students' motivations, benefits, and challenges. Systematic data analysis from Arksey and O'Malley (2005) and Moher et al.'s (2010) scoping review framework and retrieved from six widely open and trusted electronic databases, motivations such as altruism, career development, and social connections drive students to engage in volunteer work, reflecting a desire to contribute positively to society while also enhancing their personal and professional growth. The benefits derived from these experiences include improved mental health, increased employability, and a profound sense of belonging, which collectively foster a supportive community among peers. However, students also encounter significant challenges, including time constraints, insufficient training, and emotional stress, which can impede their ability to participate fully in volunteer activities. Addressing the literature gaps and challenges and enhancing the overall volunteer experience through the stakeholders can foster a more robust culture of civic engagement among students.
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