Mapping Awareness and Perception Regarding Menstrual Health Among Adolescents
This research reflects on the understanding and perceptions of “menstrual health” and related outcomes among male and female high school students. It focuses on gender differences and common misconceptions. Recently there have been advances in menstrual health related educational efforts however, the physical and mental experience of menstruation still gets heavily impacted by negative societal parameters and cultural beliefs. A qualitative exploration of perceptions revealed that female students generally demonstrate higher levels of awareness about menstrual health but they exhibit several misconceptions such as menstruation is "unclean" or that conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis are rare. Male students hesitated to participate in the study. They showed significantly lower awareness as well as understanding of menstruation and its physical and mental health impacts. These results highlight a gendered knowledge gap, which worsen the stigma surrounding menstruation. This study emphasizes the importance of bridging these knowledge gaps to promote healthier menstrual health practices and outcomes. By working on addressing these issues, we can foster a generation of adolescents with greater awareness, inclusive attitudes, and the ability to engage in menstrual health related issues openly, contributing to better health outcomes and gender equity. The research advocates for prioritizing a gender-sensitive curriculum in schools to reduce misunderstandings and normalize menstruation to create diverse equitable space.
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