Analysis of the Authority of the Prosecutor's Office as the State Attorney in the Process of Confiscation of Corruption Assets

  • Finradost Yufan Madakarah Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Fifiana Wisnaeni Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Keywords: Corruption, Authority, Prosecutor's Office


Corruption is when a person acts in a way that is contrary to morals, ethics, customs, laws, and legal policies. Corruption means rottenness, ugliness, wickedness, dishonesty, bribable, and wrongdoing. When there is corruption in a country, it harms everyone and causes economic and social problems. This study looks at the power of the prosecutor's office as a lawyer to confiscate funds associated with wrongdoing. The findings of this study Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia (PERJA) Number: PER-025/A/JA/11/2015 on how to carry out law enforcement, legal assistance, legal considerations, other legal actions, and legal services in the field of civil and state administration allows state prosecutors to file civil suits to investigate cases. So, although the state's ethics have been harmed by corruption crimes, the damage can still be repaired.


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How to Cite
Madakarah, F., & Wisnaeni, F. (2025). Analysis of the Authority of the Prosecutor’s Office as the State Attorney in the Process of Confiscation of Corruption Assets. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 8(2), 115-124.