Maximizing the Potentials of Filipino Female Maritime Seafarers in the Maritime Industry

  • Jonna F. Baldonado Graduate School, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, Philippines
  • Ma. Nissa C. Espiritu Graduate School, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, Philippines
Keywords: Female Seafarers; Sea-Based Employment; Land-Based Employment; Maximizing Potentials


Breaking into the male-dominated maritime industry is difficult for female seafarers. This study explored how the potentials of female seafarers can be maximized in the maritime industry.  Having a mixed method research design, the quantitative part employed survey of female seafarers and interview of representatives from different sectors of the maritime industry where these females are employed.   Findings indicate majority of female seafarers experienced resistance from sea-based employment on the belief that seafaring is ascribed for men only. Most respondents aspired to settle in land-based employment. On the other hand, land-based sectors of the maritime industry are accepting female seafarers. Interviewees confirmed available positions which suitably fit the qualifications of female graduates. To fully maximize their potentials and prepare them for land-based positions, interventions such as taking additional trainings and seminars and pursuing higher studies were suggested.


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How to Cite
Baldonado, J. F., & C. Espiritu, M. N. (2024). Maximizing the Potentials of Filipino Female Maritime Seafarers in the Maritime Industry. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(12), 160-178.