Sustainable School Management Strategy and Government and Community Involvement in Shaping Student Character
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of government and community involvement in shaping technology-based student character, as well as formulating sustainable school management strategies through SWOT analysis. Using qualitative and quantitative approaches, data were collected through in-depth interviews, surveys, and documentation from Adiwiyata schools in Probolinggo City. The results of the study indicate that government involvement in providing policies, funding, and technology infrastructure has a significant impact on supporting the formation of environmentally conscious student character. In addition, community involvement through community-based activities and collaboration with schools strengthens the implementation of environmental programs. SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that influence the implementation of technology-based policies, resulting in innovative and adaptive school management strategies. This study offers a strategic model for the sustainability of technology-based environmental education that can be adopted by other schools.
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