Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Measurement Invariance of the Perception of Partner Psychological Abuse (PPPA) in Nigeria and South Africa
Purpose: Examining the psychometric properties of a research scale is a critical step in ensuring its reliability and validity. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the Perception of Partner Psychological Abuse (PPPA) scale, developed to assess individuals' perceptions of psychologically abusive behaviors in intimate relationships, in Nigeria and South Africa. Methods: The study involved participants (N = 823) who were predominantly Black (African) (98.5%), with females (n = 452, 54.9%) and males (n = 371, 45.1%) from Nigeria (n = 291) and South Africa (n = 532). Various confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models were used to assess the scale's factor structure and dimensionality. Measurement invariance procedures were employed to evaluate the equivalence of the factor structure across gender and country. Construct validity, including both convergent and discriminant validity, was also examined. Results: Findings indicated that the PPPA scale is appropriate for measuring perceptions of partner psychological abuse. The scale demonstrated adequate convergent and discriminant validity, and composite reliability showed good internal consistency. The hypothesized four-factor structure aligned well with the data, with observed variables collectively and individually contributing to the overall construct and subconstructs. The factor structure was consistent across genders and countries, confirming the scale's multidimensionality. Differences in the perception of partner psychological abuse were observed between the two countries. Conclusions: This study validates the psychometric properties of the PPPA scale, emphasizing the relevance of power dynamics and economic disparities in shaping perceptions of partner psychological abuse. It reinforces the scale's value as a tool for recognizing and addressing psychological abuse in intimate relationships.
Keywords: Psychological Abuse, Partner Violence, Verbal Aggression, Isolation, Control, Neglect, Economic Abuse, Financial Abuse.
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