Ethnographic Exploration of Mental Health Awareness and Perception Among the Ayta Magbukun
The Ayta Magbukun is a prominent indigenous group inhabiting the Bataan Peninsula. This study aims to gain insight into the community's awareness and perspectives on mental health, as well as the challenges they face, given the limited information and resources readily available on their end. Using an ethnographic approach, the study was conducted through careful observations and field work, employing five voluntary tribe members selected through convenience sampling. The study revealed significant challenges in the community's ability to obtain formal mental health assistance and relevant information about mental health among Filipino indigenous people.
The findings revealed that the Ayta Magbukun have a basic understanding of mental health, but their overall awareness remains limited. They mainly rely on traditional health care practices, and face challenges in accessing formal mental health services and acquiring mental health literacy. The study identified three main themes about their 1) Mental Health Awareness, 2) use of Alternative Healing, highlighting the community's reliance and preference for traditional practices; and 3) existing Barriers to Wellness that hinder their access to mental health resources. It is suggested that the community's psychological perspectives and socioeconomic conditions can significantly affect their ability to achieve overall well-being. Also, it highlights the need for culturally appropriate mental health programs and accessible mental healthcare for the Ayta Magbukun as well as for other indigenous communities in the Philippines. Generally, the paper contributes to the broader discussion of indigenous mental health and Filipino psychology by advocating for approaches that align with culturally appropriate indigenous perspectives on mental health, promoting resilience and holistic wellness in these communities.
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