The Metamorphosis of Democracy: The Buffer Zone Between Fascist Russia and Liberal Democracies

  • Sadri RAMABAJA Metamorphosis of Democracy; Return of Fascism; Illiberalism; Buffer Zone; Serbia; Kosova
Keywords: Metamorphosis of Democracy; Return of Fascism; Illiberalism; Buffer Zone; Serbia; Kosova


The collapse of communism and with it the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany everywhere in the West, had created the illusion of the "End of History". This illusion had no way of feeding the following illusion - about the so-called natural process of social transfer from communism ala Soviet-Russian to liberal democracy. This entire course of modern European history was, it seems, part of a failed Brussels strategy. Meanwhile, new political movements are taking shape in the Belgrade-Vienna-Warsaw axis, and with this, illiberal forces are being established in other countries as well. All of them have expressed some kind of readiness for cooperation with Putin's Russia, thus reviving a buffer zone between modern Russian fascism and the liberal democracies of Brussels. This return of modern fascism in Europe is being strongly exploited by Serbia promoting its national agenda.


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How to Cite
RAMABAJA, S. (2024). The Metamorphosis of Democracy: The Buffer Zone Between Fascist Russia and Liberal Democracies. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(12), 16-25.