Empowering Recovery: Evaluating The Reintegration Strategies for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse in Baguio

  • Karla Nabunat Gamongan University of Baguio, Philippines
  • Warren Galas Moyao University of Baguio, Philippines
Keywords: Reintegration, Child Sexual Abuse, Support Systems, Local Government Units, Revictimization


Sexual child abuse is a critical global issue requiring immediate intervention. While existing research has primarily focused on detection and prevention, the post-rescue experiences of victims are often neglected. This study examines the practices of CFSPI Baguio Chapter in facilitating the reintegration of child sexual abuse survivors into their communities. It aims to identify the reintegration protocols used and the challenges faced by CFSPI staff in implementing these protocols. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive design, insights will be gathered from experienced staff through unstructured interviews and analyzed via thematic coding.Preliminary findings indicate that CFSPI employs structured reintegration protocols, including family assessments, gradual transitions, and after-care services. However, challenges such as inadequate support from local government units (LGUs), lack of family preparedness, and community resource limitations hinder effective implementation and pose risks to survivors' safety. While organizations like CFSPI have established robust protocols to facilitate this reintegration process, without the active involvement of LGUs and community resources, reintegrated children remain vulnerable to exploitation and revictimization.Thus,a thorough review of existing case management protocols is necessary to confirm their relevance in addressing Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and to assess local coordination mechanisms. Collaborations between LGUs, DSWD, mental health professionals, and NGOs are essential for conducting reintegration workshops that equip families with skills to support children who have experienced trauma. Furthermore, financial literacy workshops should be provided to families of reintegrated children, alongside sustainable livelihood programs to promote financial independence. As families become more self-sufficient, LGUs and DSWD should gradually reduce external assistance, fostering independent coping strategies. Finally, future research should focus on gathering insights from LGUs involved in the reintegration process at the barangay level.



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How to Cite
Gamongan, K., & Moyao, W. (2024). Empowering Recovery: Evaluating The Reintegration Strategies for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse in Baguio. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(12), 126-145. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v7i12.2438