Importance of Local Economic Development as a Strategy to Enhance Community Development Projects in Thulamela Local Municipality
The study explores the importance of Local Economic Development ( LED) in enhancing community development projects in Thulamela Local Municipality (TLM). South Africa attempts to combat unemployment, poverty and inequality. The introduction of LED in communities aims to generate jobs, alleviate poverty prevalent in various communities across the country. The LED strategy leverages local resources, communities, public institutions, and private sector to generate employment, alleviate poverty in rural areas and adressing unemployment. The study used Mixed Research Method (MRM). Interviews and questionnaires data was collected concurrently from two different sample sizes. Data collected through questionnaires was analysed, presented and interpreted. thematic analysis was used to analyse data collected through interviews. Thematic analysis results found four main themes namely, poverty, unemployment, job creation, local economy and skills. A sample size of (N=110) participants from TLM. Research findings indicates that LED is crucial in generating job opportunities, reducing povertyin local communities, and boosting economic growth. The study offers insights for TLM policy-makers to effectively implement LED projects, enhance job creation and combat poverty. The study concludes that failure to implement an LED strategy country's high unemployment rate, poverty, low income, inequlaity, and low skills will significantly hinder economic growth.
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