Mediating Role of Employee Engagement in the Relationship Between Job Resources and Personal Resources on Turnover Intentions in Food and Beverages Manufacturing Micro and Small Enterprises in Tanzania
This study explores the relationship between job resources and personal resources in turnover intention in the food and beverage manufacturing sector mediated by employee engagement usage of micro and small enterprises in Tanzania. The study objectives were to examine the mediating effect of employee engagement in the relationship between job resources and personal resources on turnover intention in food and beverage manufacturing MSEs in Tanzania. The positivism paradigm was adopted and quantitative research was applied. The research design used is a cross-sectional survey. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 2,306 population where a sample size of 387 was administered from MSEs in Dar es Salaam. The finding using a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) technique revealed that job resources are positively insignificant to employee engagement whereas, personal resources are statistically positive and significantly influence employee engagement, also employee engagement is statistically positive and significantly influences turnover intention. Also, employee engagement does not indirectly affect the relationship between job resources and turnover intention while employee engagement indirectly influences personal resources on turnover intention. This study concludes that employee engagement partially mediates the personal resources on turnover intention. This study recommended that MSEs should strengthen human resource management practices that will involve developing skills, and abilities, and motivating employees to engage in the work.
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