The Evaluation of the Coal Transportation Governance Policies in Jambi Province

  • Alva Beriansyahh Department of Government Science, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Hatta Abdi Muhammad Department of Government Science, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Arfa'i Arfa'i Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Sutri Destemi Elsi Department of Political Science, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Hapsa Hapsa Department of Government Science, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
Keywords: Policy; Evaluation of Policy; Coal; Province Government; Jambi


This research is aimed at evaluating the policies issued by the Jambi Provincial Government in order to organize coal transportation. Since 2012, the Jambi Provincial Government has issued a series of policies aimed at regulating coal transportation so that its negative impacts, particularly related to congestion and road damage, can be overcome. Using William N. Dunn's policy evaluation concept which consists of six indicators, namely: effectiveness, efficiency, alignment, adequacy, responsiveness and accuracy. This research uses a combined qualitative and quantitative approach by interviewing the Department of Transportation and the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jambi Province, the Directorate of Traffic and Traffic of the Jambi Regional Police, the community and public policy observers as data sources. Data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, data analysis and conclusions. The research results reveal that there are three indicators that are of particular note to the Jambi Provincial Government regarding the handling of coal transportation in Jambi. First, the Jambi Provincial Government's policies have not been effective in overcoming the negative problem of coal transportation because long traffic jams and road damage often occur. Second, with the limited authority it has, the Jambi Provincial Government is quite efficient in overcoming coal transportation problems through a series of policies from 2012-2022. Third, the Jambi Provincial Government's policies are not appropriate to overcome the problem, because what is needed is the construction of a special coal road or using the Batanghari River


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How to Cite
Beriansyahh, A., Muhammad, H., Arfa’i, A., Elsi, S. D., & Hapsa, H. (2024). The Evaluation of the Coal Transportation Governance Policies in Jambi Province. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(10), 240-251.