Public Perception on the Effect of Alcohol Consumption Among Commercial Drivers in Nsukka Urban, Enugu State

  • Kenechukwu Ginika Didi Department of Sociology/Anthropology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Ijeoma Igwe Department of Sociology/Anthropology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Keywords: Alcohol; Consumption; Commercial Drivers; Road Accident; Perception; Impair; Substance Abuse


This study examined public perception on the effect of alcohol consumption among commercial drivers in Nsukka Urban, Enugu State. Using a sound methodology, numerous findings were made. The socio-demographics of the respondents indicated that both sexes were well represented in the study (male, 45.6% and female, 54.4%). Majority of the respondents (51.1%) were between the ages of 18-27, and majority were also single (76.7%). Data also indicated that majority of the respondents (71.7%) had tertiary education and 56.7% are students. Lastly, all the respondents were Christians. On the substantive issues of the study, the study revealed that the rate of alcohol consumption among commercial drivers in Nsukka Urban is high. It was also found that commercial drivers take alcohol on the wrong notion that makes them energetic and increases their level of concentration while driving. It was observed that even new drivers are socialized into this notion, such that alcohol consumption has become a convention among commercial drivers. The study equally found that poor awareness on the consequences of drunk driving, and easy accessibility to alcoholic drinks are the other factors that promote alcohol consumption among commercial drivers. It was equally reveled in this study that alcohol consumption by commercial drivers reduces driving skills, causes accidents by making drivers to sleep while driving or loose concentration, and had health effects on the drivers.


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How to Cite
Didi, K., & Igwe, I. (2024). Public Perception on the Effect of Alcohol Consumption Among Commercial Drivers in Nsukka Urban, Enugu State. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(10), 188-201.