A Comparative Study on Teacher’s Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Public and Private Educational Institutions: The Case of Marawi City National High School and Peaci-Senior High School
Motivation and job satisfaction are two determinants that help improve employee engagement and productivity in both public and private instrumentalities. Leveraging certain factors of these determinants will improve the level of drive, commitment, and energy of the institution’s workforce. This study aims to identify and correlate the motivational factors and the level of job satisfaction of the teachers in Marawi City National High School – Senior High School and Philippine Engineering and Agro-Industry College Inc. in terms of the “experience” and “desired” profiles. It employs descriptive quantitative research design using a survey instrument that was administered to 39 respondents. The number of the respondents was determined by a compete enumeration of all senior high-school teachers in both institutions. The instrument of the study was structured employing the 15-work related motivational factors in the study of Heimovics and Brown in 1976. For the testing of hypotheses, Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation was used. The results revealed “high-salary” and “friendly and congenial associates” tops the motivational factors on both educational institutions, and teachers in Philippine Engineering and Agro-Industry College Inc. are clearly motivated and satisfied in their job compared to Marawi City National High School – Senior High School. The researchers recommend leveraging the identified motivational factors and maintain an optimum job satisfaction in both educational institutions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Barie Ali, Malicah Lago, Monaifa Imam, Omelkair Tomambiloing, Louvill Manangan Ozarraga

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