Evaluating the Impact of Social Media on Consumers’ Online Shopping Behavior: A Mediated-Moderation Model
Social commerce has rapidly become a new field of study for both professionals and academics, indicating the possible influence of social media in shaping online commercial avenues. People spend a significant amount of time on social media, presenting online businesses with the chance to gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers' shopping behaviors. Consequently, it is essential to explore the factors that affect consumers' online shopping behavior. This research, conducted in Indonesia, seeks to identify the factors influencing consumer online shopping behavior. Analyzing data from 375 customers, the study employs Smart PLS to explore the relationships within the proposed model. The results indicated that live streaming, promotional tools, celebrity endorsements and perceived credibility are factors that impact consumer online shopping behavior in social commerce. The study verified the mediating role of promotional tools. However, perceived credibility did not moderate the association amid promotional tools and consumer online shopping behavior. The findings offer clearer insights into the factors affecting consumer online shopping behavior, aiding entrepreneurs in developing more effective strategies. This research brings fresh perspectives on consumer online shopping behavior by examining it empirically within the Indonesian context. This is significant due to the previous lack of studies focused on consumer behavior in social commerce and the scarcity of empirical evidence in this area.
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