Kinds of Characters in SiSwati Folktales

  • Jabulani Jarreth Sabelo Pato Department of African Languages, University of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
  • Zilibele Mtumane Department of African Languages, University of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
Keywords: Folktales; Characters; Hero; Villain; Foil Characters


This article explores the kinds of characters found in siSwati folktales. The kinds to be discussed are the hero, villain, and foil characters. The folktales to be considered are ‘Mpompo’, ‘Khabonina’ and ‘Lonkombose NaDemthelele’, in Dlamini’s Sinkayinkayi, and ‘Imphisi’, ‘Ingcavulele’ and ‘Lokuthula NaLochalachala’, in Dlamini and Garb’s Bekukhona. The concepts of character and folktale are defined as part of the introductory section of the study. The subtopics of this discourse are introduction, the hero, the villain, foil characters and conclusion.


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How to Cite
Sabelo Pato, J. J., & Mtumane, Z. (2024). Kinds of Characters in SiSwati Folktales. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(8), 191-204.