Neighbor's Rights from the Perspective of Islam

  • Muhammad Muhsin Ayubi Lecturer in Department of Culture and Islamic Science, Faculty of Education, Kunduz University, Afghanistan
Keywords: Rights; Neighbors; Views; Islam


This research has been done on the rights of the neighbors from the Islamic point of view, which shows the general purpose of this article. The method of this article is a library, authentic books have been used to complete the content of this article. The society in which we live today, due to the increase in population, has made people closer to each other in terms of the scope of life, in the way that in many cases, such as apartments, several families have living at a small distance from each other, This makes the issue of neighbors' rights and obligations towards each other more important than in the past. And the results show that the neighbor's rights are very important in Islam. One of the issues that is highly recommended in Islam is to pay attention to the neighbor's rights. The Qur'an, while calling for the worship of Allah and avoiding polytheism, considers kindness and goodness to several groups of people as necessary. One of them is the rights of neighbors, which says: Be kind to your neighbors far and near (Surah Nisa, verse 36). Mentioning the right of neighbor along with the right of servitude and kindness to parents shows its importance from the point of view of Islam. In the hadiths of the Prophet, peace be upon him, the importance of neighborliness has been emphasized a lot, some of which are mentioned in this research. Neighborhood, from the point of view of Islam, will have good and appropriate effects when it is formed within the framework of Islamic principles.


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How to Cite
Ayubi, M. (2024). Neighbor’s Rights from the Perspective of Islam. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(9), 187-194.