The Lord Jesus' Example in Order According to the Gospel of John 4:1-42 And Its Relevance in Church Ministry Today

  • Johanes Witoro STT Biblika, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Church; Modernism; Biblical Concept


Many churches today are impacted by modernism, and as a result, they have forgotten fundamental biblical concepts such as how the Lord Jesus set an example in preaching the truth to people, and how the Church should follow in his footsteps. This is a qualitative research approach that includes a literature review and hermeneutic studies from the Bible to obtain biblical results. The findings show that modernized churches must revert to the real teachings, especially the model or example of the Lord Jesus. With an understanding of the existing cultural environment, believers have responsibilities in preaching the truth to others.


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How to Cite
Witoro, J. (2022). The Lord Jesus’ Example in Order According to the Gospel of John 4:1-42 And Its Relevance in Church Ministry Today. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(3), 130-142.