Legal Study on Licensing for the Development of Salt Pond Land in the Oli'o Area, Merdeka Village Kupang Regency Based on Government Regulation No. 107 of 2015 Concerning Industrial Business Licenses

  • Agnes D Rema Univesitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia
  • Rini Marselin Kaesmetan Univesitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia
Keywords: Development; Pond Land; Salt; Industrial Business Licenses


Licensing is an important element to start any form of activity in today's business world. Permits are also one of the elements used for the protection of the law and the right to own or carry out activities. Without a permit, various kinds of problems will arise that can disrupt the order and regulation of life in society. Salt industry activities are one of the major activities in the community, where, of course, this activity will interact with the local community. Community involvement is very important; therefore, many aspects need to be considered. This research is Empirical legal research. The main problem in this study is the obstacles in the licensing process for the development of salt pond land in the Ol'o area, Merdeka Village, Kupang Regency. The author conducted interviews with the Merdeka Village Head and several communities to obtain the writing materials needed in this study. Interviews were conducted in formal and informal situations. The materials obtained and used are primary materials and secondary materials. The results of the study show that in the licensing process, the services carried out by the Merdeka Village Government run in accordance with existing procedures. However, the relationship between the community as land owners must be paid attention to so that they can coordinate with each other at all times to avoid differences of opinion or different interpretations.


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How to Cite
Rema, A., & Kaesmetan, R. (2024). Legal Study on Licensing for the Development of Salt Pond Land in the Oli’o Area, Merdeka Village Kupang Regency Based on Government Regulation No. 107 of 2015 Concerning Industrial Business Licenses. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(9), 230-235.