Gender Disparity and Obstacles Faced by Female Musicians in Iran's Music Industry

  • Zahra Rahimi Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan
  • Amin Khaksar PhD at School of History, Culture and Communication, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Keywords: Female musician, Barrier to entry, Music market, Gender-related challenges, Cultural norms


Iranian female musicians face numerous obstacles that hinder their entry and growth in the music market despite having the potential to flourish. These challenges include limited access to resources, fewer performing opportunities, and societal biases that favor male artists. This study aims to investigate the gender-related challenges that women artists in Iran face, particularly emphasizing the significant inequities that exist for musicians. Combining qualitative data from in-depth interviews and document analysis with quantitative data from structured surveys, the primary study investigates the gender-related challenges that function as barriers to entry and prevent female musicians' active participation and success in Iran's art market. The objective also hopes to offer valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders regarding the promotion of gender equality and the provision of support for female artists in Iran, especially in the music sector. The research findings articulate four significant barriers to entry to the music market for Iranian female artists: cultural norms, societal pressures, economic concerns, and governmental rules.

How to Cite
Rahimi, Z., & Khaksar, A. (2024). Gender Disparity and Obstacles Faced by Female Musicians in Iran’s Music Industry. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(9), 151-159.