Settlement of Disputes Over Indigenous Land Ownership Based on Traditional Law

  • Suwardi Suwardi Faculty of Law, Universitas Narotama Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Rustan Rustan Faculty of Law, Universitas Narotama Surabaya, Indonesia


The research used in this dissertation process uses a type of legal research, the way it works is researching library or secondary materials that have been collected. The civil justice system contains norms and principles that provide space for the practice of customary justice which has a combination of characteristics as informal justice, communal justice, alternative dispute resolution and simplified court regardless of the inconsistency of laws and regulations regarding the existence of customary justice in the power system positive Indonesian judiciary. The state and positive judicial system ideally recognize and give position to customary courts in customary law. It is not directly proportional to the lack of state power over the administration of justice and the facilitation of narrow cultural identities. Second, a positive judicial system provides recognition and position of customary justice in the national justice system, with an effort to make law (both state law and customary law) a representation of universal values, not a representation of the values of narrow interest groups.


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