An Analysis of Factors That Influence the Success of Flood Risk Management in Selected River Basins (FMSRB) Program in Banten Province and Maluku Province
FMSRB Program, under CPIU Directorate General of Regional Development Ministry of Home Affairs has successfully built 2,907 units of infrastructure, consisting of: (1) 152 units of retaining walls; (2) 24 units of reservoirs; (3) 265 units of drainages; (4) 56 units of rainfall harvesting system; (5) 46 units of retention wells; (6) 2,351 units of biopori; and (7) 13 units evacuation routes. The construction of infrastructure is in collaboration with the establishment of 4 KMSB forums in the regency, 140 KMSBs, and 140 waste banks in the community level. The success of program is primarily determined by 4 factors, including the success in the human resources management, collaboration among stakeholders, collaboration of structural and non-structural approaches, as well as the partnership development. Quantitatively, it is discovered that 55.70% of impact value indicates a very significant influence on flood control, whereas 36.80% states influential. For the construction of reservoir 57.50% of respondents state that it is high influence, whereas 33% state influential. In terms of rainfall harvesting system, 54.70% of respondents state highly influential, while 31.10% state influential. In Biopori, 60.40% of respondents state highly influential, whereas only 28.30% state influential. For retention well, 52.80% of respondents state very influential and only 38.70% states influential. In the meantime, the status of constructed infrastructure assets indicates that 65.10% are very good and 17.90% are good. Furthermore, the human resources management contributes β 0.141 with the influence of p-0,038 to the sustainability empowerment mediation. Collaboration among stakeholder is very good (59.40%) and good (25.50%). About gender and empowerment-based collaboration model, 65% of respondents fully agree and confirm, whereas only 35% agree. Meanwhile, collaboration among stakeholders is very helpful according to 65% of respondents and only 35% state helpful. As for structural and non-structural approaches collaboration, 82% of respondents state very helpful, and only 18% state helpful. For partnership, 59% of respondents fully agree with the partnership developed by FMSRB Program that uses the collaboration principle, and 41% agree. For sustainable program, advanced facilitation from the stakeholders to KMSB Forum, KMSB and Waste Bank is necessary. They will oversee utilization, maintenance, and development of the infrastructure for controlling flood.
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