The Identification of Cognitive and Metacognitive in Post-Editing Process of English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English Text Using Thinking-Aloud Protocols

  • Miftahush Shalihah Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Cognitive Process, Metacognitive Strategies, Post Editing, Think-aloud Protocol, Translation


This article explores the post-editing process in machine-translated texts, focusing on the cognitive and metacognitive strategies employed by translators. The study employed the think-aloud protocol (TAP) to examine the cognitive and metacognitive strategies used by translators during post-editing tasks. The qualitative case study method reveals the cognitive intricacies involved in generating ideas, revising, elaborating, clarifying, retrieving, rehearsing, and summarizing text content. The metacognitive processes of planning, monitoring, and evaluating are also examined, revealing the translator's vigilant oversight of the post-editing endeavor. The findings highlight the dynamic interplay between cognitive and metacognitive faculties, underscoring the translator's role in refining machine-generated translations. The study also highlights the pedagogical implications of cultivating cognitive and metacognitive competencies in translation education, advocating for an integrated approach that fosters critical thinking and linguistic proficiency. The study contributes to the advancement of translation studies, offering insights to optimize the efficacy and quality of translation endeavors in the ever-evolving landscape of linguistic technologies and intercultural communication.

How to Cite
Shalihah, M. (2024). The Identification of Cognitive and Metacognitive in Post-Editing Process of English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English Text Using Thinking-Aloud Protocols. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(7), 119-132.