Lesbianism and its Complexities: An Analysis of Amanyal’ Enyoka by B Chili and M Ndlovu
This paper analyses the representation of homosexuality regarding lesbianism as portrayed in the play Amanyal' Enyoka (2013) by Buyi Chili and Mandla Ndlovu. The main characters in Amanyal' Enyoka, Pat and Sindi, a married couple, are portrayed as lesbians and are used to explore female same-sex relationships in a society dominated by heterosexuality, homophobia, and heterosexism. The paper aims to challenge ways of thinking about gender and sexuality. The findings are that the general representation of lesbians in the play shows that a large part of society does not understand the dynamics of sexual diversity, particularly in semi-rural and rural areas. This misunderstanding creates unfounded claims about homosexuality and exposes homosexuals to further stigmatisation. The government and relevant stakeholders need to do more awareness to educate society about the misogyny that lesbians face and create safe environments for their well-being.
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