The Juridical Review of Investors' Legal Protection in the Development of New Renewable Energy

  • David Permana Budiono Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Darminto Hartono Paulus Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: Legal Protection, Implications, Energy Law


Energy is closely related to the economic development of all countries, useful for meeting consumption needs and activities in various sectors. This implication is the impact of the haste in drafting the Presidential Regulation  and only focusing on the economic approach. What is the guarantee of legal protection for investors in the development of Renewable Energy in Indonesia? and second, how is the community involved in preparing legal protection for investors in the development of renewable energy? This legal research and writing uses normative juridical methods because the problems and implications contained in legal writing are dominated by differences in policies issued by the government. Indonesia doesn’t yet have a Law on New and Renewable Energy specifically as a main legal source and optimization effort in terms of management and development that regulates new and renewable energy. The idea of ​​energy democracy in developing New and Renewable Energy can be implemented through public participation by opening up transparency in New and Renewable Energy development policies.

How to Cite
Budiono, D. P., & Paulus, D. H. (2024). The Juridical Review of Investors’ Legal Protection in the Development of New Renewable Energy. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(7), 17-27.