Mapping the Livelihood Vulnerabilities of Women Informal Workers in Coimbatore District During Covid-19
The present study was undertaken to examine the women informal worker’s socio economic profiles, nature of work and challenges faced by them during COVID – 19 in Coimbatore district. Empirical research design has been adopted. Primary data has been collected from women informal workers residing in Coimbatore District. Five specific informal sector groups namely, construction workers, street vendors, waste-pickers, domestic workers and homeless persons have been considered for the study. Considering that a very limited database of informal sector workers exists, sample of 149 informal workers in 11 taluks of Coimbatore District has been chosen using snow-ball sampling technique. Interview schedule will be adopted to collect data from the women workers. Data collected has been analyzed using Percentage analysis and weighted average ranking method. The findings of the study reveals that the COVID-19 lockdown have increased debt of the women in informal sector. The study also found that the expectations of this workforce from the government, including minimum wages, job security, and improved workplace safety. Overall, these findings call for targeted interventions and policy measures to address the specific needs and challenges faced by women informal workers, ultimately contributing to their resilience and well-being.
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