The Influence of Digital Technologies on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance in Public Procuring Entities: A Moderating Effect of Legal Frameworks
This study examined the impact of digital technologies on the performance of sustainable supply chains in public procuring entities, with a specific focus on Tanzania. The study was conducted using the Technology-Organization-Environment model, Resource Based Review, and Schumpeter Theory of Innovation as guiding frameworks. The study employed the positivism research paradigm and utilized the simple random sampling technique to gather data from a sample of 410 respondents. The data collection process utilized descriptive and explanatory cross-sectional survey research methods. The data were obtained by administering questionnaires and conducting a review of relevant documents. The collected data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling with the assistance of SmartPLS 4 software for inferential statistics analysis. For descriptive statistics analysis, IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 was utilized to examine the data collected on respondents' profiles. The results indicate that the implementation of Internet of Things, Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, and Legal Frameworks as a moderator has a beneficial impact on the performance of Sustainable Supply Chains. The study suggests that buyers, suppliers, service providers, and contractors in Tanzania and other developing countries should incorporate Internet of Things, Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, and Legal Frameworks to effectively implement Sustainable Supply Chain Performance.This study successfully addressed the need for a specific model that defines the factors influencing the performance of a sustainable supply chain, with legal frameworks acting as moderators. This paradigm is absent from the current collection of empirical and theoretical literature.
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