Self Declaration Halal Inside Omnibus Law on Job Creation

  • Siti Nur Azizah Faculty of Law, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the implementation and achievement of self-declaration halal based on Islamic sharia law and find out that halal self-declaration provides a sense of trust, comfort and legal certainty for Muslim. This research method uses normative descriptive or normative legal approach to construct an argument for the subject of the study. Legal basis for the study of the existed problems in this research is Omnibus Law on Job Creation, which will be implemented from many perspectives, such as other laws and regulations, articles, books, the internet/websites and other library sources. The results of this research can be concluded that in its application, small and micro business actors use easily recognizable ingredients such as rice, sago, cassava therefore it is easier to differentiate halal and haram products. The mixture of halal and haram in a halal product happen because it excludes the role of independent institutions and fields experts (food engineering, chemistry, etc.) in tracing the integral process of determining the halalness of a product by technology. The factor of public awareness about halal products is significantly correlated with the behavior of seeking information on halal food among Muslim people. Muslim consumer brand awareness of a product is influenced by halal logo which is based on education either through the closest people such as family or friends and information from the media. The Muslim community understands that halal fatwa cannot be issued by anyone. The declaration should be issued by a party or institution that has the competence to do.

Azizah, S. (2022). Self Declaration Halal Inside Omnibus Law on Job Creation. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(4), 138-147.