Ho Chi Minh Thought on Comprehensive Human Development in Vietnam’s Perspective

  • Quoc Khanh Lai University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: People; Policy; Comprehensive Human Development; Ho Chi Minh Thought; Revolutionary


Comprehensive human development has always been considered an important issue, ensuring each country's rapid and sustainable development, including Vietnam. To find suggestions for identifying and solving problems related to human development in Vietnam today, in this article, we focus on clarifying the basic contents of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on comprehensive human development and show that this ideological system contains many progressive, suggestive, and oriented values for the cause of comprehensive human development in Vietnam today. Ho Chi Minh's thoughts covered topics such as holistic human development. In Ho Chi Minh's thought, human development is approached from the angle of liberating the people to achieve their best possible potential, Creating a prosperous and happy country, Freeing people from oppression, Developing a relevant education system, Building and expanding democracy, and developing positivity and self-discipline among individuals.  With all these factors in place, the result is a well-rounded individual.

How to Cite
Lai, Q. K. (2024). Ho Chi Minh Thought on Comprehensive Human Development in Vietnam’s Perspective. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(6), 106-117. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v7i6.2124