Learner Centred Education in the Teaching of Grade 11 Biology in Ohakafiya Circuit Schools of Namibia
Namibia in recent time adopted the learner centred education (LCE) policy that is geared towards education for all. It is believed that it will enhance the achievement of the four goals of education namely: access, equity, quality, and democracy. This study is aimed at finding out how schools in Ohakafiya circuit in Namibia implement LCE policy, including the possible challenges and best practises in the application of LCE teaching approach. The study used the qualitative research method. Due to Covid-19 regulations, data was collected by means of telephonic interview. A total sample of 16 participants from 3 different schools were purposively selected and used. The research participants comprise of principals, Head of Departments, and teachers. The data collected were analysed by means of coding and generation of themes. The study found out that, the teachers still fail to grasp the contextual interpretation of LCE that negatively affects its application or implementation. The challenges that impede on the implementation of LCE include overcrowding in classrooms, work overload for teachers, and the lack of skills on the part of teachers to design and assess LCE activities. The study concluded that the teachers be provided with continuous empowerment and support, be provided with sample materials, and create regular platforms of sharing ideas and resources.
Copyright (c) 2022 Onoriode Collins Potokri, Johannes Sylvia Mwelitondola

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