Investigating Juvenile Neglect from the Perspective of Special Education Personnel in the School Community Developmental Issues, Impacts & Interventions
The investigation of the forms of neglect of a minor and the description of the effects on learning and educational development. In addition, to approach how special education staff can manage incidents of neglect, emphasizing the collaboration of social workers and psychologists, as well as the appropriate interventions that can be implemented. The research was carried out during the months of January, February, and March 2023, and in her, they participated 10 social workers and psychologists, who are working in Assessment and advisory support centers as well as in special school support committees of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace and have at least five years’ experience in incidents of neglect of a minor. The personal experiences and options of professionals emerge, who are involved actively in the field, via her qualitative research. Elevated levels of parental stress, psychiatric disorders, addictions, poverty, and a repeated pattern of neglect appear to professionals to be strong predictors of potential neglect. Health problems, learning difficulties, low mental potential, inactive or damaged brain cells, and emotional and behavioral disorders, are some of the serious effects on minors. Observation of a child in the school context, social research, and individual appointments appear to be important factors for professionals to focus on. Child neglect is a complex problem, rooted primarily in dysfunctional family environments. The research highlights proposals and interventions, with the aim of early detection and prevention of incidents of neglect. Preventing child neglect requires addressing risk factors at the individual, family, and societal levels. The collaboration of social workers and psychologists is of key importance, not only for the detection and treatment of cases of minor neglect but also for the support of students and their families in various areas. The current review offers further insights and tools around the topic of child neglect, which is a significant challenge to children's development and well-being.
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