Policy on Criminal Law Criminal Execution: The Executing Attorney's Additional Replacement Money for Convicted in Corruption Crime Cases
Corruption crimes often occur in an organized manner in Indonesia. Implementing the eradication of criminal acts of corruption in Indonesia must include two main foundations, namely, creating a spirit of governance that is free of corruption and efforts to return state assets and finances. In the implementation of a criminal act of corruption that has been decided by a judge, there are usually conditions, namely additional punishment in the form of recovery money. Executing Attorney at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This journal uses normative juridical methods and additional interviews with related parties for clarification. In the writing specifications for this journal, analytical descriptive is used. The discussion in this journal concerns criminal law policies in the implementation of additional criminal executions for compensation (recovery) for convicts by the executing prosecutor in cases of criminal acts of corruption.
Copyright (c) 2024 Galang Sisdya Ramadhan, Eko Soponyono

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