Technological Innovation in Chinese Digital Drama: A Case Study on the Posthuman Transformation of the Performing Subject – Digital Mei Lanfang Analysis

  • Jingying Zhang Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Keywords: Digital Theater; Chinese Drama; Performing Subjects; Posthuman Technology


In the global artistic arena, digital performance, a fusion of art and technology is increasingly garnering attention. Accompanied by rapid technological advancements, Chinese performing arts are in a state of continual boundary expansion and exploration of new possibilities. This art form is undergoing a profound and revolutionary transformation with the infiltration and advancement of digital technology. This article, titled "Technological Innovation and Chinese Digital Drama: The Post-Human Transformation of the Performing Subject," delves into how digital technology is innovating traditional Chinese drama by transforming the performing. Centering around the Digital Mei Lanfang project as a pivotal case study, the research demonstrates how digital technology is redefining the subject of drama performance, thereby further redefining the scope and essence of theatrical performance. Employing qualitative research methods, literature reviews, and case study analysis, the article assesses the impact and value of the shift from Natural Human to Posthuman entities as performing subjects in Chinese theatrical arts, driven by digital technology. The research underscores the significance of post-human entities in protecting and disseminating cultural heritage in the digital era. This article aims to expand the boundaries of dramatic artistic expression through the study of posthumans becoming dramatic performing subjects and to provide theoretical foundations and practical references for the future development of dramatic arts. Consequently, this fosters the further development of Chinese dramatic arts in the digital age without losing their original characteristics.

How to Cite
Zhang, J. (2024). Technological Innovation in Chinese Digital Drama: A Case Study on the Posthuman Transformation of the Performing Subject – Digital Mei Lanfang Analysis. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(5), 72-82.