Legal Analysis of the Implementation of Law Number 7 of 2023 to Improve the Effectiveness of General Elections

  • Aris Kuswantoro Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Fifiana Wisnaeni Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: Juridical Analysis; The Bill of Elections; Legal Capacitation


Indonesia, as a democratic country, faces a number of challenges in electoral surveillance, such as interference and manipulation of voice, electoral issues, and a lack of coordination among supervisors. Therefore, an extensive analysis of the legal certainty of the elections in Indonesia and the implementation of law number 7 in 2023 On the establishment of government regulation number 1 in 2022 of a change to constitution number 7 in 2017 for elections to act as the basis of electoral law to increase public effectiveness and trust in the election process. The method of research used in this study is normative jurisdiction or literature study. And for the discussion discussed in this research how legal certainty about elections in Indonesia and how implementation is Act number 7 in 2023 on the regulation of replacement government Act number 1 in 2022 on changes to the law Number 7 in 2017 About elections being the law as one of the basis of election law.


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How to Cite
Kuswantoro, A., & Wisnaeni, F. (2024). Legal Analysis of the Implementation of Law Number 7 of 2023 to Improve the Effectiveness of General Elections. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(3), 151-157.