Flashcard Strategy Role in Teaching English Vocabulary: A Systematic Review

  • Qusay Mahdi Mutar University of Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Flashcard; Teaching Vocabulary; Systematic Review


This systematic review investigates how flashcards function in different educational contexts to teach vocabulary. The study summarizes data from empirical research released in the last three years, which are from 2021–2023. It focuses on how flashcard-based interventions affect vocabulary acquisition, retention, and overall teaching outcomes. The findings provide insights into the advantages, limitations, and best practices associated with employing flashcards in vocabulary instruction.

How to Cite
Mahdi Mutar, Q. (2024). Flashcard Strategy Role in Teaching English Vocabulary: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(4), 37-53. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v7i4.1979