Exploring Factors in Improving a Learner’s English Language in the Society

  • Habib Rahman Ahmadzai Instructor of English Department, Language and Literature Faculty Parwan State University, Afghanistan
Keywords: Learning Style; Written Assessment; Personality; Oral Skill; Teaching Implication


The purpose of this case study focuses on the development of a learner in learning English as a foreign language. The research article is consisted of four parts. The first part is introduction that focuses
on history of background languages knowledge of the participant’s. The participant was chosen by convenience sampling. The third part is the result that concentrates on four main issues: (1) language learning history that talks about the participant family, school, and encouragement of the language learning. (2) Learning style and personality of the participant that contains which kinds of learning styles and personalities she may have. (3) Oral skills assessment that tests oral skills and states in which parts of the language she may have problems in oral communication. (4) Written skills assessment clarifies the mistakes and errors she has made in her writing. The last part is discussion and teacher implication that suggests teaching different methods and approaches to solve the English language problems in speaking and writing. 


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How to Cite
Rahman Ahmadzai, H. (2023). Exploring Factors in Improving a Learner’s English Language in the Society. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(12), 413-421. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v6i12.1969