Efforts to Improve Family Functioning in Preventing Gadget Addiction Behavior in the Alpha Generation

  • Annisah Annisah Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Firsty Ramadhinta Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Kania Saraswati Harisoesyanti Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Family Functioning; Gadget Addiction; Generation Alpha; Child Welfare


This research discusses efforts to improve family functioning in preventing gadget addiction behavior in the alpha generation from the Social Welfare discipline. The increasing number of gadget users in Indonesia motivates this research, leading to the problem of gadget addiction among the alfa generations. The study aims to describe the condition of family functioning and the condition of the device used by the alpha generation in the Indonesian Family Camp Community (IFCC). This research employed qualitative methods with a descriptive type through literature studies and interviews with four families with the alpha generation and IFCC parties. The research revealed that the family functioning conditions of the four families were functioning well. However, there were several things in the functioning conditions of the four families that were not functioning well, which caused the condition of gadget use by the alpha generation to show characteristics of gadget addiction, namely the condition of communication in Family 2, which was closed and indirect; narrow and fixed affective responses; and the absence of regulations on the use of devices to control family behavior. Therefore, improving family functioning in preventing device addiction behavior could be enhanced by improving family communication skills, increasing family behavioral control, and increasing affective responses. In this case, IFCC could help with joint cooking sub-activities, parenting seminars, and fun games containing traditional games.


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How to Cite
Annisah, A., Ramadhinta, F., & Harisoesyanti, K. (2024). Efforts to Improve Family Functioning in Preventing Gadget Addiction Behavior in the Alpha Generation. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(1), 494-503. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v7i1.1934