Legal Protection for Cooperative Retail Businesses Against Conspiracy (Study on Primkoppol Akpol Cooperative)

  • Boni Kristobaik Simangunsong Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Bambang Eko Turisno Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: Business Competition; Unfair Business Competition; Conspiracy.


In business life or business activities, there is business competition that occurs between business actors. This business competition is normal if it is carried out in a healthy manner. However, in practical activities in the field there are still many unfair business competition practices in the world of business competition carried out by business actors in their business activities. This type of unfair business competition practice is the practice of conspiracy. One of the victims of the conspiratorial practices that occurred in the field was the Primkoppol Akpol cooperative business actor. This legal research aims to explain the types of unfair business competition practices that occur in the field and explain the legal remedies that can be taken if unfair business competition practices occur in the field in order to create healthy business competition in business competition activities between business actors in Indonesia.

How to Cite
Kristobaik Simangunsong, B., & Eko Turisno, B. (2024). Legal Protection for Cooperative Retail Businesses Against Conspiracy (Study on Primkoppol Akpol Cooperative). International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(2), 203-212.