Legal Liability of Artificial Intelligence in Perspective of Civil Law in Indonesia

  • Amelia Puspita Sari Faculty of Law Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesian
  • Dara Manista Harwika Faculty of Law Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesian
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Civil Law; Accountability


The purpose of this research is to define what is the accountability of Artificial intellegence in Indonesia. The method that we use is library research with statute approach and conseptual approach. Results of this research is in this context AI is a legal subject in the supervision and ownership of AI owners or AI users which are then used for certain interests and purposes for others. As an artificial legal subject that has an autonomous nature if AI performs actions that cause harm to other people or acts beyond expectations, the AI owner can be held civilly responsible. Consider it as a physical object. The legal implication is that everything you do is a violation of the law. The owner of artificial intelligence is responsible for any damage created by artificial intelligence. In there is also a middle ground, which is viewing.


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How to Cite
Puspita Sari, A., & Harwika, D. M. (2022). Legal Liability of Artificial Intelligence in Perspective of Civil Law in Indonesia. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(2), 57-60.