The Effect of Mutation, Promotion, and Remuneration Systems on Job Satisfaction and Loyalty of Makassar City Government Employees

  • Muhammad Ikram Idrus Faculty of Economics and Business Muhammadiyah University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Ishlah Idrus Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Mutation; Promotion; Remuneration; Job Satisfaction and Loyalty


Makassar City Government, as a local government entity that has great responsibility in providing public services, faces growing challenges in human resource management. One of the critical aspects of human resource management is the system of employee mutation, promotion and remuneration. In recent years, attention to the effectiveness and fairness of these systems has increased due to their potential impact on job satisfaction and employee loyalty. The main objective of the research was to improve employee welfare, both through financial aspects and sustainable career development. The results of the study are expected to provide both practical and theoretical benefits, namely providing additional information and consideration for interested parties in the organization to determine policies, as well as an understanding of the effect of mutations, promotions, and remuneration on job satisfaction and loyalty of Makassar city government employees. The impact of problems in the mutation, promotion and remuneration system can be felt in the form of decreased job satisfaction and employee loyalty. Employees who feel unappreciated or do not have clear career development opportunities tend to feel less motivated and not emotionally attached to the organization. Through this effort, it is expected to create high job satisfaction and employee loyalty, supporting the realization of an effective and quality public service-oriented government.

How to Cite
Ikram Idrus, M., & Idrus, M. I. (2024). The Effect of Mutation, Promotion, and Remuneration Systems on Job Satisfaction and Loyalty of Makassar City Government Employees. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(12), 338-345.